me, the short’ish version
I have 4 engineering degrees in aerospace and software, and while I have worked in various industries including research, manufacturing, aerospace, retail, not to mention I have held numerous roles such as aerospace engineer, Japanese interpreter, software engineer and now program manager … it is as game designer, developer and artist that I aspire to be. It is within the ofttimes zany game industry that I discovered the ultimate expression of my geek loves, the reconciliation between my highly-deterministic and rational left-hemisphere with the ever-flowing lines and rolling waves of shadows and colors that inhabit my right-hemisphere. Surprising even to me, every year I’m at PAX in the long lines with every changing snarky t-shirts dripping with geek excitement that I find my peoples. At long last, some four decades into this life I have found a home—my home. Some might call it a mid-life crisis, but I think it more as a mid-life awakening.

Met you at Norwescon – just wanted to say “Hi”.
As a fellow artist, I know how important it is to know that others are visiting your website.
Very impressed with your art – well done!
Just FYI (read carefully):
The Story of a Reince.
“She had a poxy face to most, but she a Viking goddess of lore to Reince, …”
Best of luck!
–Jay Palmer
Hey Jay!
Thanks for reaching out and sharing such kind words. I am still just learning so it means a lot to me to have someone express enjoyment in my work, I have a few more decades before I think I will be at the level of the legends of art.
And good eye, I will go back and correct that dropped word.