Artist Resource no. 17: Trent Kaniuga

Trent Kaniuga is a professional artist who works in “the industry” where the industry is all things fantastical. Cuz his art is fantastic! Get it?! Oh, you’re no fun. 😛

In all seriousness, Trent has been contributing and influencing professional concept artists for the past two plus decades. And he more so, he has spent a lot of time creating awesome tutorials that you can purchase on his Gumroad site. He also publishes a ton of free content on his YouTube channel, often where he teases some of his paid-for content on the aforementioned site.

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Artist Resource no 15: Color Gamut

If you happened to grab a copy of Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painer by James Gurney then you may recall a reference to an image’s color gamut. As useful as that information is, more useful is having a tool that generates a color gamut for you to work from. And fortunately, there are a few tools out there for you!

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Artist Resource no 14: Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master

If you recall me talking about Austin Batchelor before, then you are right!  I previously featured him here back on Artists Resource no 10.  And now I’m back with a more specific review of one his online courses found at Udemy: Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master.

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Artist Resource No 13: Color and Light

If you haven’t already, I encourage you read my post on color theory.

If you are not familiar with James Gurney, you are likely familiar with his works as creator of Dinotopia.  James is an exceedingly accomplished artist, with a well established reputation for creating exceedingly realistic renderings even when the material is often fantastical in nature.

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