Artist Resources No 5:

While DeviantArt is still an active, online art community, the quality of the work you will find therein varies widely.  This is not to say that DA is not without its great artists, but given its roots in attracting amateur and hobbyist artists like myself, you may find it harder to find artists’ work that will push you to improve your own craft.  That said, if what you are seeking is to be inspired (and humbled) then the best place to go is where the professionals go.  And that place is was created by Ballistiq, a web consulting firm out of Montreal, for the sharing of both 2D and 3D art.  In the few years since it launched, it has since grown to include some 2 million active users.

A lot of what I love about this site is that you can scroll through all this amazing art, similar to how you might on Instagram, but it is well, all art.  Not to say I don’t enjoy seeing food or puppy porn, but it is nice to get 100% art from time to time.

More than a place for people like me to stalk our favorite artists, it’s really a site meant more for professionals to share their portfolios, including a rather active job board for artists looking for full-time and freelance work.  There is both a free and pro version of portfolio management.  At present, I use the free version, but the Pro version is well worth every penny, especially if you are more interested in showcasing your work than managing a website.  One of the more intriguing features is a project-based portfolio which allows artists to group their work more logically than just a stream of images.  And while I have not used them, if you are a 3D artist, they support both SketchFab and Marmoset viewers.

That all said, if you are looking to see and be seen then there is no better place to be than at

Author: Ward

I’m the creator and operator of this little corner of the internets, writing on all things related to art and more specifically my experiences trying to figure this whole thing out. I guess I’m trying to figure out life, too, but mostly I just post about art here.

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