Reince, Story of a

I wrote this this evening on a prompting from my nephew’s Facebook post: “Are there other humans with the name Reince?”   I, being a bit apolitical, missed the reference to now White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus.

Instead, my immediate thought was that such a person would be ridiculed as a child.  And being a smart-ass that I am, I would imagine that no child would live long before bullies would get to them.  The short answer to his query is none; no one is named Reince and is alive.   A gallow’s humor response for a late Saturday reply.  For whatever reason, Üter Zörker of The Simpsons sprang to immediate mind.

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Sparrow Story

I first published the below on my personal Facebook page back on December 24, 2016.  I wrote it on the way from Wenatchee to our home while Marit drove.

It is, I imagine, the start of a story, as it were. In my respites I have in my mind a recurring theme of light and sound seen through a hazy summer day.  A hollowed home, more transparent than real.  I can see through the house’s very walls to a gorge and forest slumbering.  There is no one in my world at the moment other than myself.  There is no loneliness, just recognition that it merely me and the sound of sparrows outside.

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Artist Resources No 4: Jason Brubaker

I discovered Jason Brubaker originally through his ReMIND web comic series.  At the time, while I was a huge fan of the series, I did not come to truly appreciate his talent or recognize his influence on me until I stumbled upon his latest series, Sithrah.  There are so many things to love about Jason’s work, and equally more to learn from his career and life.

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Artist Resources No 3: Nikolai Lockertsen

Similar to my last post in this seriesNicolai (aka Nikko) Lockertsen is another digital media artist who is helping share his process for creating art on

Nikko is the first digital artist that got me hooked into  He is also the artist who, through his online courses, convinced me that I could crack the nut that is digital art.  Whereas Mike Henry’s videos are free, Nikko charges a nominal fee for his tutorials.  I think the tutorials are worth every penny, though.

What I appreciate about Nikko’s tutorials is his focus on how to think about composition and working from big to small.  It is obvious his instruction is grounded in the fine arts, and much of what you will take away is applicable to any medium, not just or even digital.