Well, I finally decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging using something a bit more mainstream than Apple’s iWeb. My original blog will, for the time being, remain at http://www.wardosworld.com/Wardos_World/Blog/Blog.html.
Category: Writing
I am not the writer in our house; my partner is. Nevertheless, from time to time I find myself writing a bit of flash fiction or even poetry and vignettes in a series I call The Sparrow Story.
I truly have no pretensions around the craft of the written word at either a sentence or paragraph level, let alone at something as grandiose as stitching all of that together into a written story. Can you imagine all those words to write? Crazy!
Nevertheless, given my obvious insanity and lack of sense of my limits, I do have aspirations of someday producing a written story or two that may not be a complete waste of another human being’s time to read.