Create Icons Easily

Want to quickly create icons quickly that all follow a similar size, coloring, and text?  Then check out

We used this on to quickly add customized icons for our blog and twitter.

Basically, you can enter in the text, size of the icon, colors of background and text to generate an image.  The image, when downloaded will typically include the suffix, .php.html.  Just change this to .gif and you are done!

For those wanting a quick translation of the UI, use the below cheat sheet.

文字タイプ: Font

文字サイズ: Font Size

アイコンの幅: Icon Width (in pixels)

アイコンの高さ: Icon Height (in pixels)

中心のボーダーの位置: Position of middle border (in pixels)

外側のボーダーの太さ: Outside border width (in pixels)

内側のボーダーの太さ: Inside border width (in pixels)

左ボックス-内容: Left box’s content

左ボックス-文字色: Left box’s font color

左ボックス-背景色: Left box’s background color

左ボックス-間隔: Left box’s padding (in pixels)

右ボックス-内容: Right box’s content

右ボックス-文字色: Right box’s font color

右ボックス-背景色: Right box’s background color

右ボックス-間隔: Right box’s padding (in pixels)

Once you filled things in click on アイコンを作成!

The image that appears can be saved to your computer.  Remember, you will rename so that the suffix is .gif.

Author: Ward

I’m the creator and operator of this little corner of the internets, writing on all things related to art and more specifically my experiences trying to figure this whole thing out. I guess I’m trying to figure out life, too, but mostly I just post about art here.

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