I kicked off the first leg of my Quadrangle of Awesomeness tour in Idalou, Texas starting back on October 30. I will be here till Wednesday morning (November 3rd) when I depart for Italy. Idalou, located near Lubbock, Texas, the home of Texas Tech University, is a small town of 3000 peoples. And like all of Texas, it is filled with big hats and even bigger hearts. My sister and her husband’s family all live in the area with his mother living just a two-minute walk away from their home. My nephews’ school is only an additional one-minute from their grandmother’s home. Like the last time I visited Idalou and the area, I forgot that the area is approximately 3,900 feet above sea-level being, as it is, closer to New Mexico than it is to Dallas-Forth-Worth. Between the thin and dry air, I find myself pleasantly taking a couple of naps throughout the day.
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