

I recently ran into an issue with installing subversion 1.5.6 via MacPort. Namely, I ended up with incorrect encoding of characters (文字化け as it were) as svn tried to display Japanese text where terminal’s LANG was configured incorrectly.

Macintosh:~ wwv$ svn --version
svn, ?\227?\131?\144?\227?\131?\188?\227?\130?\184?\227?\131?\167?\227?\131?\179 1.5.6 (r36142)
   ?\227?\130?\179?\227?\131?\179?\227?\131?\145?\227?\130?\164?\227?\131?\171?\230?\151?\165?\230?\153?\130: Mar  8 2009, 20:28:48

Copyright (C) 2000-2008 CollabNet.

then the below rectify this situation of 文字化け.

First and foremost, remember to update your shell’s PATH to point to wherever port installs the binaries; this is typically /opt/local/bin. This will ensure you are not using the default svn that comes installed with your Mac OS X.

If upon checking the version of subversion you will see a snippet like the below:

If you using Apple Terminal’s default shell, then edit ~/.bashrc.

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/${PATH}

Additionally, in the same file also export LANG to ja_JP.UTF-8, or:

export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8

Finally, if you are using Terminal on Mac OS X 10.5, then you will also want to disable automatically setting LANG on startup from Preferences > Details.

Turn Off LANG on Startup

When you create a new terminal session, if you again check the version of subversion you should see:

Macintosh:~ wwv$ svn --version
svn, バージョン 1.5.6 (r36142)
   コンパイル日時: Mar  8 2009, 20:28:48

Copyright (C) 2000-2008 CollabNet.
Subversion はオープンソースソフトウェアです。 を参照してください。
この製品には、CollabNet (http://www.Collab.Net/) によって開発されたソフトウェア

以下のリポジトリアクセス (RA) モジュールが利用できます:

* ra_neon : Neon を利用して WebDAV (DeltaV) プロトコルでリポジトリにアクセスするモジュール。
  - 'http' スキームを操作します
  - 'https' スキームを操作します
* ra_svn : svn ネットワークプロトコルを使ってリポジトリにアクセスするモジュール。
  - Cyrus SASL 認証を併用
  - 'svn' スキームを操作します
* ra_local : ローカルディスク上のリポジトリにアクセスするモジュール。
  - 'file' スキームを操作します
* ra_serf : serf を利用して WebDAV (DeltaV) プロトコルでリポジトリにアクセスするモジュール。
  - 'http' スキームを操作します
  - 'https' スキームを操作します

Caching RSS Feeds

We recently incorporated RSS feeds into Kotoba. I noted while implementing my solution that there are some tutorials [1, 2] out there that provide quick-and-dirty solutions to getting RSS feeds into a Rails application. While the tutorials are a good start, they do neglect the fact these implementations will drive a lot of (unnecessary) traffic between your site and the site with the RSS feed.

What can you do? What else! The time honored solution for all things that ail software: cache it.

First, let us create our RSS controller, or:

require 'kotoba_rss/feed'

class RssController < ApplicationController

  def parse_feed
    feed_url                = params['rss_url']                      || ''
    maximum_number_of_items = params['maximum_number_of_items'].to_i || 5
    title                   = params['title']                        || t('rss.rss_feed')
    details                 = params['details']                      || t('rss.read_more')
    details_url             = params['details_url']                  || ''
    feed(feed_url, maximum_number_of_items, title, details, details_url)

  def feed(feed_url, maximum_number_of_items, title, details, details_url)
    kotoba_rss_feed =
    result = kotoba_rss_feed.get(feed_url)
    return render( 
      :partial => '/rss/feed', 
      :layout => 'popup',
      :locals => { 
        :result => result, 
        :maximum_number_of_items => maximum_number_of_items, 
        :title => title,
        :details => details,
        :details_url => details_url

The next step is to create a class that will fetch RSS feeds for the rest of our application caching as appropriate, lib/kotoba_rss/feed.rb:

require "rss"
require 'rss/2.0'
require 'open-uri'

class Kotoba_Rss::Feed
  def initialize
    @cache = Kotoba_Rss::Cache.instance
  def get(url)
    result = nil
    if @cache.has_expired?(url)
      open(url) do |http|
        response =
        result   = RSS::Parser.parse(response, false)
      result = @cache.get(url)
    return result

Finally, we want to be able to cache our RSS feed results between calls, lib/kotoba_rss/cache.rb:

# Keep a cache of fetched RSS feeds.  This is to ensure
# we do not hit an RSS feed too often; an issue when we
# have many page fetches.  
# This is also a very useful thing when we are fetching
# from sites that might be throttling requests from specific
# users and, or domains (e.g.
class Kotoba_Rss::Cache
  include Singleton
  ENTRY_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS = 300 # 5 minutes
  def initialize
    @cache =
  def add(url, result)
    entity =,result)
    @cache[url] = entity
  def get(url)
  def has_expired?(url)
    if @cache.has_key?(url)
      entry        = @cache[url]
      current_time =
      time_expired = current_time - entry.feed_time
      if time_expired > ENTRY_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS
        return true
        return false
      # if we do not have the URL yet then 
      # consider it expired
      return true


In the same file, lib/kotoba_rss/cache.rb, I also include:

class Kotoba_Rss::Cache::Entry
  attr_reader :feed_time, :feed_result
  def initialize(time, result)
    @feed_time   = time
    @feed_result = result

I consider Kotoba_Rss::Cache::Entry an inner class that is only really useful for Kotaba_Rss::Cache, thus a great candidate for being included in its parent’s file; however, if you prefer you can certainly put it in its own file. In truth, Kotaba_Rss::Cache can also be included in lib/kotoba_rss/feed.rb which makes an even better design (note to self to refactor afterwards).

To use we have in our ApplicationHelper

  def link_to_blog_popup
           :action => 'parse_feed', 
           :controller => 'rss', 
           :rss_url => '', 
           :maximum_number_of_items => 10, 
           :title => t(''),
           :details => t('meta.blog_read_more'),
           :details_url => ''
         } , 
         :class => 'popup',
         :onclick => "return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'ajax', contentId: 'popup', wrapperClassName: 'highslide-no-border', dimmingOpacity: 0.75, align: 'center'} )"

Note that we are using I18n t() method for localization.

In summary, we have a good separation of responsibility between all our moving parts. We are using a controller the way it is intended, with our presentation properly off-loaded to views. In our library we have a means of making a service that invisibly caches its results.

In my experience, caches should almost always be hidden from the caller; otherwise, you begin to degrade cohesion and venture into the land of tight coupling. Additionally, it makes the cache design much harder with multiple point of entry.

That is it. Whenever we have held a result in our cache longer than ENTRY_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS our RSS feed will get new result that it stores in its cache. This will ensure that as our site grows (and it will!) we will not be hitting external services with every page fetch; something that would yield little value to our users (slower fetches) and make us bad clients of other sites’ feeds.

Integration Testing with Selenium

Testing.  Testing.  Testing. There any number of ways to qualify testing in software.  Unit testing.  Functional testing.  Systems testing. Integration testing.  Usability testing.  Load testing.  Et cetera.  And what testing you do do, or do not, is somewhat predicated upon the type of software you are developing.

One thing is for certain, though; no matter the domain the interface is always key.   Kotoba is no different.  We have been doing a lot of exploratory technology development with only the bare-bones paid to sustainable (read automated) testing.  While we have it, we can always have more.

One area where automated testing can be a real chore is at the user-level.  This is more than just calling back into our application using URLs as is often done at the functional level; we really want to, as best as possible, mimic the user experience as if we are the user. And while we could do this manually, it is replete with tedium and errors. So how do we automate this step in our quality assurance?  Que Selenium; a power tool that uses JavaScript to test our application in any browser that supports JavaScript. It even has its own “IDE” that allows you to record events that then can be saved as Selenium tests. More to boot, Selenium is supported by a number of languages and frameworks; albeit, we are mostly interested in Selenium on Rails.

Over the weekend I spent time understanding how best to integrate Selenium into Rails. Out of the box Selenium is ready to go but for one thing: user login. Kotoba uses hashed passwords with a temporally sensitive salt to help ensure user passwords are secure. Unfortunately, this makes our life a little more difficult in part because Y(a)ML test fixtures do not go through ActiveRecord, but create SQL statements directly. Which means that all our model instance methods that help create our secure password are bypassed.

More specifically, whenever we run Selenium setup while our user accounts are created, they are done without passwords. Consequently, we need a way to attach passwords once the accounts are created. Unfortunately, Selenium provides no known callback mechanism to provide model/application initialization. While I explored implementing this callback mechanism, it become apparent that doing so would be not much than a hack without some concentrated engineering. Additionally, we must remember that Selenium tests our application using JavaScript. That means that while we can include Ruby in our RSelenium tests, these are only run the first time the test is read in by Selenium while Selenium generates JavaScripts calls that it then uses to run the tests. To wit, the next time is run these ruby calls are not made.

Imagine I have something like:

  1. Setup app; clean fixtures: Javascript
  2. Setup passwords: Ruby
  3. Login: Javascript

On the first pass we clean our database, create our fixtures, set our user passwords and create our login test.

However, the moment we actually run our test we do everything but set our user passwords. The result? Our test breaks.

Our solution is to create a controller that includes initialization methods. To ensure that these controllers and methods are never called in anything other than test using a before_filter.

class InitializeKotobaController < ApplicationController

  before_filter :verify_environment

  def a_method


  def verify_environment
    unless ['test'].include?(RAILS_ENV)
      raise "This controller cannot be used in this Rails environment [#{RAILS_ENV}]"

From our Selenium test, we can call open, or:


Note how we are able to pass parameters into our controller allowing us to make it as versatile as we need it for our tests.

While you can use partials in our tests, this makes our tests a little less accessible to the average tester. Ideally, we want to be able to hand over our integration testing to someone who is more focussed on the user experience than the inner-workings of our programming environment. While arguably not a concern with Kotoba, it is nevertheless a philosophical one I prefer to strive on all my projects.

The solution is to include your own DSL (domain specific language). This is not as difficult as it sounds, nor nearly as cutting-edge as some blogs might make it seem. In reality, many DSLs s are really nothing more than a API that is catered to better mimic the business domain's lingua. The below is no different.

# Include our own Selenium DSL functions
config.after_initialize do
  if SeleniumOnRailsConfig.get(:environments).include? RAILS_ENV
    class SeleniumOnRails::RSelenese
      class_eval do
        include Selenium::DSL

Then we add a file at $RAILS_ROOT/lib/selenium/dsl.rb

module Selenium::DSL

  def login(user, password)
    # include our RSelenium tests here
    assert_title('Kotoba « Accounts « Login')
    type('password', password)


Now we can just call


from our RSelenium tests to automatically login as a specific user.

Create Icons Easily

Want to quickly create icons quickly that all follow a similar size, coloring, and text?  Then check out

We used this on to quickly add customized icons for our blog and twitter.

Basically, you can enter in the text, size of the icon, colors of background and text to generate an image.  The image, when downloaded will typically include the suffix, .php.html.  Just change this to .gif and you are done!

For those wanting a quick translation of the UI, use the below cheat sheet.

文字タイプ: Font

文字サイズ: Font Size

アイコンの幅: Icon Width (in pixels)

アイコンの高さ: Icon Height (in pixels)

中心のボーダーの位置: Position of middle border (in pixels)

外側のボーダーの太さ: Outside border width (in pixels)

内側のボーダーの太さ: Inside border width (in pixels)

左ボックス-内容: Left box’s content

左ボックス-文字色: Left box’s font color

左ボックス-背景色: Left box’s background color

左ボックス-間隔: Left box’s padding (in pixels)

右ボックス-内容: Right box’s content

右ボックス-文字色: Right box’s font color

右ボックス-背景色: Right box’s background color

右ボックス-間隔: Right box’s padding (in pixels)

Once you filled things in click on アイコンを作成!

The image that appears can be saved to your computer.  Remember, you will rename so that the suffix is .gif.

Integrate, ho!

I will admit that it.  I am a sucker for integration.  In particular, technology even when it misses much of its potential such as AppleTV.

Facebook is cool.  So is Twitter.  Not to mention the obvious WordPress.  Even if you have an account on Facebook, LinkedIn is a great compliment to having both a personal and professional presence on the internets [sic].  But all of them have a lot of cross-over functionality.  You either pick one or the other, or resign yourself to maintaining duplicate information in multiple places.  While we are still some way from a completely normalized panacea (web 3.0?), there is enough plugins out there to make it appear like we have reached nirvana.  

LinkedIn already supports integration with WordPress.  Been there.  Seen it.  Done it.  Woot!

But what about Facebook?  Russ’s blog makes mention of WordBook.  With a few simple clicks you can install into your copy of WordPress and then a few more for it to register with your Facebook account.  Goodness on the cheap!

Last but not least, what about Twitter?  I love the uncluttered purpose of this protocol: it is a perfect, light-weight approach to dialoguing with friends via your smart phone (on iPhone I highly recommend Twitterific).  More so, Twitter is a great way of focusing on the one aspect that we most use on Facebook without all the overhead: little blurbs on what we are doing and thinking.  This plugin for Facebook effectively adds your twitters into your Facebook account.

With these plugins in place you can arrive at Web 3.0, if only in spirit.