Due to a WordPress update, my design overrides got, well, overwritten. While I was at getting things back in order, I decided to do a slight design refresh. As much as I loved my original concepts, they just were not quite working for me. Which isn’t to say there aren’t elements of the original concept that I won’t someday incorporate; but, in the meantime it was obvious to me that I really needed to rethink how I approached the header.
The video below from Procreate.app (iOS) shows a time-lapse of the work. It gives you a good idea of the various ideas I explored before finally settling on the current one.
Given I did the header update in stages, I thought it would be interesting to share its evolution over the course of the last few days. The below shows the header getting progressively more “finished”, albeit I suspect there is still a revision or two in me before I call it done.