I happened to have the great pleasure of reconnecting with a good friend, Dave, who I have not conversed with, at least in person, in over 15 years while visiting Berkeley. In many ways Facebook has been a great way to stay connected with folks I knew from my days at Kanazawa University who are now all scattered across the globe, but there is nothing quite like seeing a friend again after so many years apart. Even though Dave has been at UC Berkeley for much (all) this time, it was not till yesterday that he and I actually got to sit down over coffee to chat. I am certain we have changed in many ways, but for me I could not discern any marked differences in Dave.
Once we parted our ways, he to continue work on his doctoral dissertation and I to wander the campus of UC Berkeley, I found myself trying to get a better view of the cumulus clouds I glimpsed in the distance. I recalled Dave reminding me that a short drive to the Lawrence Hall of Science afforded a good view of Berkeley. I am glad I listened to him and timed my drive to coincide with sunset. I almost left before then in order to make back to SFO for my return flight, but fortunately the allure of catching this rare combination of locale and event persuaded me to remain; the result are the below exposures. Note, all the images are composites using 3 exposures bracketed +/- 2 stops. This composition of exposures allows the creation of single exposure with a greater dynamic range than any single exposure thereby better mimicking what the human eye is able to perceive unaided. In some instances I tried to mimic natural light and in others I intentionally selected parameters that emphasize the vibrancy of colors. For those wondering, Berkeley and Oakland are in the foreground and down San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge are in the background.
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