After visiting Castel del Monte we met up with some other ex-pat(riots) at Torre Sansanello, a farm that is a part of the booming agriturismo (agriculture tourism) industry in Italy. As an industry it looks to provide sustainable, localvore meals for its patrons. While I had hoped to experience this before leaving Italy, I had feared it might not happen. However, Dave and Yuki surprised me this evening by letting me partake in what ended up being everything that would have without doubt pleased Angelo M. Pellegrini, author of the seminal work on good living, The Unprejudiced Palate. Like so much better experienced than ever described, I cannot truly capture for you the evening. Whereas The Herb Farm nestled in Kirkland, WA is grande bastion for all things decadent, over-priced, under-performing and patently boorish with the localvore scene, Torre Sansanello is its exquisite and frankly sublime antidote. Is it about food? Partially. Is it about the ambiance? There is that. Is it about people? Certainly. But is none of these things as much as it is all of things in deep combination. It is the intersection of the things that are vital for all aspects of a healthful soul.
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looks great…I love all the smiles you captured in your photos