Volunteer Park

How can you not love Volunteer Park?  Home of the Seattle Asian Art Museum.  Home of Seattle Conservatory.  Home to panoramic views of Seattle from its historic, brick water tower.  Host to Greenstage’s productions of Shakespeare (in the park, naturally).  For a mere 50 or so acres it packs quite a punch.  Today, after soaking in INSCAPE I headed up to Volunteer Park in hopes of getting a few pictures.  While I have absolutely no complaints about today’s perfect Autumn afternoon, it was actually too bright for me to take pictures.  Nevertheless, I did manage to salvage a few from the dahlia garden.  Enjoy.

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Author: Ward

I’m the creator and operator of this little corner of the internets, writing on all things related to art and more specifically my experiences trying to figure this whole thing out. I guess I’m trying to figure out life, too, but mostly I just post about art here.

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