sometimes i wonder. i wonder if i were you who i would be? where would i be? when would i be? were i you would i love me? or would i feel nothing? what kind of days might i have? would i still feel the same about life and friends and love and life? would i no longer dream of waking up to you if i were to wake as you? would i worry your worries and cry over your sorrows and laugh at your humors and would it be queer to feel your flows and ebbs as par my natural course? would i get up in the mornings still wondering where you are and whether words from you were going to find me in my inbox? would i look down at myself and be aroused? i wonder if you follow me. do you? would i get in your car and find it strange that the stations are not in the same place on the radio as in my own car. would i listen to your music and know the words and sing along the way you do? were i you would your shoes fit my feet? and would i find it awkward trying to balance in them? if i were you is it inappropriate were i to gently caress myself? and would it be strange were i looking into the mirror wondering why i can see you staring back and not me? would i even know i were you or would i just be me being you with no mind of distinction or difference? would i just cease to be me with no way of getting back? i wonder.