
While you can always see posts on my sketches which often includes a bit more in-depth coverage on my process and workflow along with time-lapse videos, here is a quick snapshot of my most recent work (that I’m proud of).

most recent post

His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the Night Sky - I recently did my first art commission for a near and dear friend who wanted a portrait done for a character they are role-playing. Aren’t RPGs awesome?! Here is what the client gave me to help cement who their character is. My character is His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the … Continue reading "His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the Night Sky"


Ha!  You scrolled down.  Why, thank you very much and welcome to my site, unigon pics, dedicated to everything lovely and beautiful and sublime and otherwise about unicorns, dragons, and more.

My name is Ward W. Vuillemot, and I’m arguably an amateur artist with a passion for all things fantastical.  I say arguably as it is questionable if I am at best amateur; I consider myself very much at the (re)start of a very long, lifelong even, journey.  What I lack in skill, I hope I make up for with passion!

While I’ve been doing illustrations for as long as I can remember, I put down the proverbial pen and brush after leaving high school some two plus decades ago. In the past few years, I’ve started to re-explore this latent passion. You will find on this site a mix of my own work, along with posts on things I find useful as an aspiring digital artist looking to learn his craft.

Given that I’m very much looking to bootstrap myself leveraging readily available materials on the internet or otherwise in print, I thought it would be useful to share with folks things I’ve discovered that I’ve thus far found useful.

useful stuff

If you are looking for resources such as websites, tools, or even artists I think are excellent examples – at least to me – to emulate then I recommend you read through my Artist Resources series of blog posts.


I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a master artist.  That said, I find that taking the time to synthesize my understanding of various fundamentals such as color, light, values, shape, human anatomy, et cetera is a useful way for me to further learn, and in the process I hope to give back to others who are starting on this same journey.  I’ve started a new series of Art Fundamentals which I hope to continue to add to, if for no reason than to affirm to myself that I’m actually keeping up with my studies.

other recent posts

While I should be spending more time doing art, I sometimes find it useful to instead while away my time writing about doing art; it’s a disguised form of procrastination!  Nevertheless, below are the 5 most recent posts I’ve made regardless of topic or category.  Enjoy!  Or click here to see all my posts.

His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the Night Sky - I recently did my first art commission for a near and dear friend who wanted a portrait done for a character they are role-playing. Aren’t RPGs awesome?! Here is what the client gave me to help cement who their character is. My character is His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the … Continue reading "His Most Noble Highness Prince Meriendor Fardove, Prodigal Lord of the Night Sky"
Kazumichi, Magus Kensei - I recently started an IRL game with folks local to me at a newly opened gaming shop, Secret Lair at Lake Chelan, in our hometown of Manson, Washington. For the past many years we’ve played entirely virtual table-top (aka VTT), and so actually getting together around a physical table to sit down is quite a … Continue reading "Kazumichi, Magus Kensei"
Night at The Threshold - Normally I’d not post the following on this art site; however, given I created some original art assets for my group’s D&D sessions I thought it might be fun to share. For some quick context, this post outlines the first half of a two-shot submodule I created for our ongoing, weekly D&D group. We are … Continue reading "Night at The Threshold"
30 Years in the Making - 30 years ago I tried to create a masterpiece. Discover whether I did or not. Or more precisely, learn how I took that "masterpiece" and made it better. And if not better then at least different.
Attack of the Artistic AI Bots! - Earlier this month it was reported that an AI bot by the name of Midjourney took first place in art competition held in Colorado, quickly creating a storm of comments spanning the spectrum from welcoming our new benevolent overlord artists to the downfall of society (or at least art) as we know it. No matter … Continue reading "Attack of the Artistic AI Bots!"

WIP @ Instagram

I tend to post fairly frequently my work that is in progress, and tag it with #unigonpics to separate it from other stuff I post.  More often than not, it may be quite some weeks before I am able to get the time to collect my notes and post a more thoughtful post here on a specific piece.  So if you prefer your Unigon fresh, then Instagram is right for you.  Feel free to follow me on Instagram, else enjoy my posts here below.  


A new character in an urban fantasy setting using the Pathfinder rule set. Pretty excited to dig into it with a local group at Secret Lair at Lake Chelan. #unigonpics #dnd #tiefling #pathfinder #pathfinderrpg #magus
While the rumors of my death are highly exaggerated, I did indeed shave off my beard today.  I have no idea what compelled me to do this (the Andy Warhol’esque imagery) but here we are.
My birthday gift is also my spirit animal. #liloandstitch #lilostich #disneyland
Self-portrait I did back in my senior year of high school (c. 1991-1992). I gave it to my then best friend, Nils, who promptly took it back to Germany and framed it thus.  I think I owe Nils a piece of art worthy of that frame.  Ink and watercolor.
Another session with @campdragononline another sketch.  This time a jabberwocky, whatever the fudge that is.  I dunno for sure, just that we killed the noisome thing.  #fantasyart #jabberwocky #unigonpics