2dartist is a magazine is dedicated to the craft of 2D illustrations, with an emphasis on sci-fi and fantasy. Unlike Spectrum where I prefer a printed edition for my library, I love the fact that you can subscribe to this zone from your desktop or favorite tablet. The iOS version has some weird zooming issues on my iPad Pro at start, but it’s otherwise serviceable once you get into reading an issue.
What is particularly great about the magazine is that every issue includes a handful of walkthroughs by professional artists in the industry, showcasing not only their work but also their process. This is hugely instructive, especially as you see variations on theme emerge. A lot of the guest authors take great pains to explain various decisions they made, something that is invaluable in growing your own pattern library of ways to solve different problems in your own work. Not to mention, you also start to develop a list of your favorite artists; you can then search them out on the internet and “stalk” them on their Instragram and Artstation accounts. And who does not love that?
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