never more

A few weeks back I did a picture of what supposed to be a crow holding a ring.  Regardless to say, it ended up more like a sugar fueled nightmare of Toucan Sam gone over to Edgar Allen Poe.  It was bad.  Very, very bad.  Consequently, I thought it best to go back to reality and do a few quick studies of crows to reset my understanding of crows.  To wit, I said: never more. Never more.

crow study i
crow study i
crow study ii

in the forest

This was inspired by a joke with a colleague.  We were talking about making estimates, and I quipped that we engineers assume everything is just a sphere of 1 meter in diameter as an estimate for just about anything.  Which is not too far from the truth.  So when we got talking to about drawing a horse – trust me, there was a natural progression from engineering estimates to drawing horses – I threw down a circle as my horse and cried “Done!”  When they remained incredulous that a circle was indeed a horse, I quickly took that circle and added a few more likes into a form that I actually through worth fleshing out a bit more.

Admittedly, I am not super happy with the end results.  But when is an artist ever happy with what they produce?  Don’t bother replying, the answer is “never.”  But as I appreciate that others have liked it, I thought it worth sharing both the process and end-results.

In The Forest (2016)

roughing it

I have been struggling to get Marit roughed in to my satisfaction. In some ways, referencing photos in analog is easier than digital if you decide to grid both the source and the illustration. Nevertheless, I think this good enough for me to move on for now.  Eventually this will be a part of a bigger piece of both she and I in the theme of Game of Thrones.

Continue reading “roughing it”

site design first draft

I am pretty stoked to do a first draft of the new site design.  I have wanted to do something like this for the site for quite a while, but I have not had much opportunity other than quick jots on actual paper with a real-life pencil.  Till now, that is (see below for more on that).  You will note that there is a wavy line half down the drawing, denoting the separation between the header and footer of pages.  Content for the site will go in the middle and flow from top to bottom.  There are a few more variations on theme I want to try, but I am happy with this as a rough first draft.

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