flame-broiled unicorn and dragon drenched in awesome sauce
Dragon Lady WIP
I had the opportunity to take a pencil sketch I had done awhile back, and import it into Procreate.app on my iPad Pro to see about blowing it out, as it were. For what it is worth, I used a reference photo from Google for the woman to the left, albeit I cannot find it anymore. And I used no reference for the dragon on the right. One of the bigger challenges for me was trying to get the dragon to feel real, as it were. Or real enough given I basically have the dragon flowing from her hair.
The following set of images shows the progression over the course of a few days, from the first roughs of the block to increasing degrees of rendering, with almost all the focus on the dragon.
Note, the following are the images I posted on my Instagram account. I opted to knock back all the color that the filters added just to make the images more easily comparable from the perspective of values.
I have a video of the whole process that I will post later, once I have an opportunity to edit the raw footage to make it a bit more bite-sized. Below is a slideshow of the progression, with each version further shown with additional notes. I hope you enjoy!
I’m the creator and operator of this little corner of the internets, writing on all things related to art and more specifically my experiences trying to figure this whole thing out. I guess I’m trying to figure out life, too, but mostly I just post about art here.
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