Dragons, Dragons and more Dragons!

Awhile back, seemingly almost two years ago, I happened to be sitting at one of my favorite wineries with my iPad in-hand.  As I oft due, especially in crowded spaces, I was engrossed in sketching while trying to ignore the cacophony that is, to my ears, humans in a crowded space.

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Dragon Die

I have been working with another artist on a cover for a dice box.  My contribution is to provide the top box art, which he will then use a laser etcher to add to the precision-cut wood boxes.  At present, we’ve landed on a 10″ by 2″ box (5:1 aspect ratio).   The current piece is just me going a bit silly on the rendering since ultimately the final piece, minus either of us doing post etch work, will come out black and white. If I was serious about it, I would clean up my lines and coloring.  Nevertheless, I thought it a pretty cool design worth sharing.

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norwescon 41, day 2

Art Show

Well, I got a lovely surprise this morning when I woke up – someone dropped out of the art show at Norwescon.   Well, okay, that’s not lovely news, now is it?  Bad Ward! But it did mean that as I was on the waitlist, the show coordinator reached out and asked if I’d like to participate.  Huh?  Of course I would!

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norwescon 41, day 1

Well, we arrived a little later than we had originally planned.  But that is okay.  We arrived in time to quickly register, and then move over to setup a table at Art in Action from 5 to 6p today.  While it was a bit quiet, we stilled had a few people stop by.  Given it was the first day of the Con, that is not too surprising.

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