The last in the series of dragon concepts I did for C.R. Sandidge wines, I finally spent some time to do a rendering. While a little less painterly, I thought the balance of line and painterly approaches melded well together.
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Dragons, Dragons and more Dragons!
Awhile back, seemingly almost two years ago, I happened to be sitting at one of my favorite wineries with my iPad in-hand. As I oft due, especially in crowded spaces, I was engrossed in sketching while trying to ignore the cacophony that is, to my ears, humans in a crowded space.
Continue reading “Dragons, Dragons and more Dragons!”Unigon Priestess

I started this piece in on my iPad. I was more curious whether I could use the app for quick sketching or not, and of course, you can. Unfortunately, I did not find its export features usable – for whatever reason my app just kept stalling – so I ended up taking a screenshot of the image in order to export. Once exported, I just imported into like any other image I might have drawn.
Continue reading “Unigon Priestess”Roughing It
Whenever Marit and I are at DisneyLand, no trip is complete without a visit or a few to the Art Academy within the California Adventure Park. For those who are not in the know, these are approximately 15-minutes courses, taught by young animators at the Studio, on how to draw a favorite Disney character. Normally when we do this, we use the provided paper and pencil, but I thought it would be fun to try on my iPad Pro with, largely to make it easier to transport home, but also so I could share here. Enjoy!
Continue reading “Roughing It”Crash Course: Color Theory
I have a confession. I have no inkling about color. Whatever I know is purely instinctual. I’m much more comfortable staying to grays, and reserving color for symbolic purposes (think Dexter’s inability to see any color other than blood as red).
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