art in action @ norwescon

For those attending Norwescon 41, I will be participating in Art in Action.  I will be showing my digital art process and tools for anyone interested.  Note, I am not a professional, but an avid hobbyist; so my motivation is more purely to meet folks, and since I wanted to some time to just sit and sketch, what better way than to make myself feel exceedingly awkward by doing so in public space where anyone and everyone can come up and say hello.

  • Thursday, 4 – 6p @ Table B
  • Saturday, 4 – 6p @ Table E

Please do not hesitate to stop by and say hi!

values study

I’ve been sorta been dragging my feet on doing value studies using movie scenes, although I know they are highly recommended by a lot of people online.  I have really no good reason for this aversion per se, but I’ve always been adverse to using references.  I mean, I use them from time to time, but I have long-standing belief started in childhood that everything had to come from my head, or directly by examination of 3D objects – never 2D photos – in order to qualify as an artist or art.  At some point, I should post on that but I digress.  Regardless, I know it’s something I really need to get over.

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Dragon Lady, Final

I finally got around to creating a quick, one-minute video of the process to create Dragon Lady from the time I imported a photographed version of the original sketch.  Sans the original sketch done with a mechanical piece, all of the video shows timelapse of my work within Procreate app on my iPad Pro using an Apple Pencil.  You can find the video at the bottom of this post.

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Dragon Lady WIP

I had the opportunity to take a pencil sketch I had done awhile back, and import it into on my iPad Pro to see about blowing it out, as it were.  For what it is worth, I used a reference photo from Google for the woman to the left, albeit I cannot find it anymore.  And I used no reference for the dragon on the right.  One of the bigger challenges for me was trying to get the dragon to feel real, as it were.  Or real enough given I basically have the dragon flowing from her hair.

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Profile Practice

Over the weekend, I got a chance to go to Seattle.  While taking some down time between activities, I opted to pull out the good ol’ sketchbook and mechanical pencil to do some practice profiles.  It felt good to be able to rely on 5mm graphite and not much more.  I love using my iPad pro, but I think it is good to remember the basics of organic mediums, too.  I started out using a few reference sketches from an artist I admire, especially as I think she does an excellent job of quickly capture the female face with an economy of line that I cannot. But I felt a bit guilty mimicking her own lines, so I moved onto to referencing images using Google search.  The goal was as much to get the essence of a female in profile than anything else.  These are shown in the order in which they were done.

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